Mezzanine in Action: Brad Feld Edition

Team Oblong

We were singled out recently by Brad Feld, managing director of Foundry Group (an investor in Oblong Industries) as an example of getting your demos right. He alluded to a Mezzanine™ scenario that we named after him: The Feld Use Case. So, we thought we’d take this opportunity to explain what he was talking about. 

It’s this: A few months ago we installed a Mezzanine system in the Foundry Group office. Since then it’s become our main method for regular meetings between Oblong in Los Angeles and Foundry in Boulder. 

And it’s pretty simple: Together we share three different video feeds, one on each screen of the Mezzanine triptych. On one screen we place the VTC video teleconference feed, which comes from a videoconferencing camera solution. Then we here at Oblong connect a laptop to Mezzanine and place its video feed—displaying our important stuff to talk about—on another screen. Foundry does the same on their side. So, one screen shows the VTC, another shows Oblong’s laptop screen and the third shows Foundry’s laptop screen.

Because our Mezzanines are connected in a common session, both parties see the exact same pixels from each other’s screens. On the VTC connection, we both see a traditional videoconference feed of the people in the other office. With the remote controller wand, either side (Foundry or Oblong) can rearrange the feeds on the triptych of screens. This shared digital workspace—available in multiple locations simultaneously—is what

The Feld Use Case is a simple but powerful example of meeting participants experiencing the power of Infopresence in the simplest way possible. Either party can share any document, video, presentation or application from their laptop (or any connected device, like a tablet) and discuss it across distances. If it sounds general, that’s because it is. It’s a powerful, open-ended configuration that’s useful for almost any industry. Anything you might show colleagues in a regular meeting can seamlessly become part of the Infopresence experience. 

Learn more about Mezzanine and its Infopresence capabilities by scheduling a demo  to see first hand how it could work for your own organization.

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